
This is going to be your base class for all the applications we build with the collision detection projects. All your classes will subclass this one. There are two member variables your classes will inherit:

  • Application Instance a static instance to the active subclass of Application. However, the type is of the base class. Singleton access is convenient sometimes
  • OpenTK.GameWindow Window this is the actual OpenTK window that the Application class launches. Chances are you won't need to do anything with this, but it's included just in case.

Extending Application

When you extend the application class, there are a few functions you will be able to override to add your own logic.

public virtual void Main(string[] args)

Main is the entry point. You will be forwarded all the default arguments from the program. By default, the base class version of this function creates the OpenTK window. If you want to make a console application, you just override Main and not call the base class version of it!

The next few functions are pretty self explanatory, as we've been using similar functions all along. You NEVER need to call the base versions of these functions (as they are empty). Usually if you override one or more of these, you don't need to override main.

public virtual void Intialize(int width, int height)
public virtual void Resize(int width, int height)
public virtual void Update(float deltaTime)
public virtual void Render()
public virtual void Shutdown()

The code

Here is the code for the Application class in it's entirety. Other than what was discussed above, the class has a constructor and a few other private OpenTK related functions.

using System;
using OpenTK;
using System.Drawing;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;

// Lives in global namespace
class Application {
    public static Application Instance {
        get; private set;

    public OpenTK.GameWindow Window = null;

    public Application() {
        Instance = this;

    /// These are the logic driving functions that classes whom subclass application
    /// will need to override. There is no need to call the base versions!
    #region Inheritable Logic
    public virtual void Intialize(int width, int height) {


    public virtual void Resize(int width, int height) {


    public virtual void Update(float deltaTime) {


    public virtual void Render() {


    public virtual void Shutdown() {


    /// Entery point of the application, by default it creates a new window
    /// Your subclasses should not have to override this, but if you want a
    /// sample that does not have a window, you need to. 
    #region Entery Point
    public virtual void Main(string[] args) {
        Window = new OpenTK.GameWindow();
        Window.Load += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(OpenTKInitialize);
        Window.UpdateFrame += new EventHandler<FrameEventArgs>(OpenTKUpdate);
        Window.RenderFrame += new EventHandler<FrameEventArgs>(OpenTKRender);
        Window.Unload += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(OpenTKShutdown);

        Window.Title = "Sample Application";
        Window.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 600);
        Instance.Resize(800, 600);
        Window.VSync = VSyncMode.On;


    /// If the default entery point (Main function) is used, these are the OpenTK callbacks
    /// Which are issued, they in turn call member functions that subclasses need to override
    #region OpenTK Callbacks
    private void OpenTKInitialize(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
        Console.WriteLine("OpenGL Vendor: " + GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor));
        Console.WriteLine("OpenGL Renderer: " + GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer));
        Console.WriteLine("OpenGL Version: " + GL.GetString(StringName.Version));
        Instance.Intialize(800, 600);

    private void OpenTKUpdate(object sender, FrameEventArgs e) {
        float dTime = (float)e.Time;

    private void OpenTKRender(object sender, FrameEventArgs e) {
        GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.StencilBufferBit);

    private void OpenTKShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    private void OpenTKResize(EventArgs e) {
        Instance.Resize(Instance.Window.Width, Instance.Window.Height);

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